CISO June 1, 2020 Stronger Together — Building Cyber Resilience 3 min read - As new ways of work are coupled with a growing prevalence of malware and ransomware, cyber resilience has become top of mind in boardrooms around the world.
X-Force June 1, 2020 Video Conferencing Security for Businesses Isn’t a New Issue, It Just Came Into Focus 5 min read - Video conferencing has suddenly become a critical tool for businesses. Here are some tips for increased privacy and control.
Cloud Security May 21, 2020 The Connection Between Cloud Service Providers and Cyber Resilience 3 min read - Cloud service providers offer great performance and resilience, but ultimately it is up to individual organizations to determine whether these long-known advantages outweigh the possible downsides.
Risk Management May 21, 2020 Spotting the Gray Rhinos Charging Toward Your Business Continuity Posture 3 min read - Preparing for the Unpredictable There may be some elephants in the board room from time to time, but what about Black Swans or Gray Rhinos? Many of us might be ignoring the warnings of risks to our business from “corporate…
Software Vulnerabilities May 20, 2020 Take a Bite Out of Sweyn 4 min read - If you work in the healthcare industry, you may have heard about a family of vulnerabilities called "SweynTooth." But how serious is SweynTooth, and what should hospitals be doing to minimize risk?
Artificial Intelligence May 15, 2020 How Chatbots Can Help Bridge Business Continuity and Cybersecurity 4 min read - With the range of challenges facing organizations right now, chatbots may be one solution that can help ensure both business continuity and security continuity.
Banking & Finance May 12, 2020 Should Organizations Be Operating Outside of Their Risk Appetite? 6 min read - Organizations should know where to draw what may be a new line in their risk appetite, so they can weigh the amount of risk they are willing to take in the pursuit of their business objectives.
CISO May 11, 2020 Build a Culture of Holistic Risk Awareness Throughout Your Workforce 4 min read - Here are several strategies for building a culture of risk awareness throughout your workforce in such a way that workers aren't just looking for specific threats, but are also thinking holistically about risk at all times.
Security Services May 8, 2020 Does Your Security Awareness and Training Program Account for Changing Work Environments? 4 min read - A shift to remote working demands security awareness and training programs quickly pinpoint an active people-centric strategy to address the needs of changing environments.
Application Security May 7, 2020 Are Current Security Assurance Models Suitable for the Digital World? 3 min read - A proactive security assurance model is a key enabler for delivering an effective operating model that encompasses the protection of people, processes and technology.