August 14, 2015 New WordPress XSS Vulnerability Crosses the Privilege Line 2 min read - A new XSS vulnerability set for WordPress raises sersious security questions, but it's not the only set of flaws to come to light recently.
August 11, 2015 Wearable IoT Ransomware: Locking Down Your Life? 2 min read - Security risks are on the move: New IoT ransomware can now infect wearable devices. But what does this mean for tech-savvy users?
August 11, 2015 Subpar SOAP? Why Your Windows Update Might Be Dirty 2 min read - Any Windows update could now be dirty thanks to subpar SOAP settings used by some companies that leave them open to vulnerability exploitation.
August 11, 2015 DGA Changer Malware Variant Shows How Attackers Are Improving Domain Names 2 min read - Researchers have discovered that those attackers behind the DGA Changer malware have come up with an even better way to avoid sandbox detection.
August 7, 2015 Are Cloud File Sync Tools Out of Step With Security? 2 min read - File sync services are now at risk of man-in-the-cloud (MitC) attacks, putting critical information at risk. What's the threat level for corporate data?
August 7, 2015 New Mac Security Threats: The Perfect Storm? 2 min read - Mac security is under fire thanks to a pair of new and potentially damaging vulnerabilities: Thunderstrike 2 and file-system zero-day exploit.
August 7, 2015 Why Stagefright and the Endless Reboot Bug May Have Prompted Google’s New Android Updates Program 2 min read - Google is changing how it approaches Android updates in order to mitigate vulnerabilities that users of the operating system have been encountering.
August 6, 2015 Zero-Day Research: Time From Discovery to Exploit Shrinks to Four Days 2 min read - New research presented at the Black Hat security conference showed that cybercriminals are getting faster at exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities.
August 5, 2015 In a BIND: DNS Server Attacks Exploit New Software Flaw 2 min read - New DNS server attacks are exploiting a flaw in the open-source BIND9, and websites at risk for attack need to move quickly to patch the problem.
August 5, 2015 Why Banks Are Turning to Tokenization to Protect Cloud Data 2 min read - A research report showed tokenization is gaining traction with banks that have begun to store highly sensitive information in the cloud.